Extremely Rare Snowfall Blankets the Iraqi Capital of Baghdad


For only the second time in a century, residents of Baghdad, Iraq awoke Tuesday morning to a coating of snow. Accumulation was mainly restricted to grassy and elevated surfaces like car rooftops. Traffic disruption was minimal. However, children were able to participate in the kinds of activities, like throwing snowballs and building snowmen, that kids in other countries take for granted. The snow and temperatures near or below freezing were less enjoyable for the hundreds of thousands of homeless refugees from the conflicts in Syria huddled into tents in Baghdad and points north.



Wintertime temperatures in Baghdad are more typically in the teens and 20s (deg C). Temperatures near or below freezing are very rare. Rarer still is the combination of cold temperatures and sufficient moisture. Only one other time in the past century has any snow been recorded in Baghdad – that was in 2008 and a only a slushy dusting. By contrast, Tuesday’s snows reached a respectable 3-4 cm. And despite the fact that the snow was mostly melted by midday Tuesday, residents both young and old can now happily claim to have seen the white stuff in their own hometown.

Flooding Rains Spreading Down the New South Wales Coast!


Heavy rains have been falling today along the coast of southeast Queensland and northeast New South Wales. Amounts exceeding 100 mm have been recorded in spots. This heavy rain is spreading south along the New South Wales. It’s part of a pattern shift away from the dry, hot, wildfire-friendly conditions of a few weeks ago towards one that is cool and rainy.



The map above shows the overall setup. An upper level low has parked itself over northern NSW and won’t be dislodged for several days. Meanwhile, persistent onshore flow at the surface will bring moisture from the ocean into eastern New South Wales. This flow will be perpendicular to the mountain ranges, and east-facing slopes will help enhance upward motion of the moist air. The combination of these factors will make a perfect recipe for prolonged, occasionally heavy rainfall along the east coast of New South Wales, including the Sydney metro area.

Widespread rainfall totals of 150-300 mm are expected through early next week with localized heavier bands dropping totals upwards of 400 mm. These amounts will lead to serious flash flooding. Some of the mountain slopes are likely to see landslides. Increasing easterly winds gusting as high as 60-80 kph will combine with rain-weakened soils to down trees and powerlines, resulting in power outages.

Major Flooding Accompanies Tropical Low Drifting Over Queensland!


Torrential rainfall has been falling across central and northern Queensland for several days thanks to a nearly stationary tropical low. Although the low will start to move slowly away in the next few days, the tap of tropical moisture will remain open. Additional rainfall falling over oversaturated soils will lead to flooding, eventually causing significant rises in the region’s streams and rivers.



The map above shows rainfall in the past several days over Queensland. Totals in excess of 100 mm (four inches) are common over central and northern sections, with several areas having seen 300-400+ mm. Rita Island, just south of Townsville, has tallied 703 mm ( in) in the past four days! Needless to say, that magnitude of rainfall even in tropical and near-tropical climate zones has lead to serious flooding. Numerous schools, roads and bridges have been closed, cutting off some of the small communities in the outback. Rivers are in the minor to moderate flood stage and rising. The current flood event will not rival the historic rain and flooding benchmark set by the storm of February 2019, but serious impacts are still likely. Lead photo courtesy flickr contributor David Jackmanson.



Beneficial Rainfall Spreads Across Wildfire-Stricken Eastern Australia


The dry, hot pattern that has contributed to devastating wildfires in eastern Australia has finally changed. Tropical moisture has swept into the region, leading to widespread showers and storms. Heavy rainfall could lead to localized flash flooding, but will also help dampen fires that are still ongoing.



Soil moisture leading up to this week has been at record dry levels over portions of eastern Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland (see map above). December 2019 was the driest on record in Australia. Those dry conditions persisted through the first few weeks of January over the east. Hundreds of wildfires have burned 10 million hectares of land since mid-2019, an area nearly equal to the island of Great Britain. The worst fires have affected portions of eastern QLD and VIC, destroying whole communities including thousands of homes.





The past few days have seen numerous, slow-moving, locally severe storms over portions of QLD/NSW/VIC (see maps above). On Wednesday the storms were affecting interior portions down through the Melbourne metro. One of the cells around Melbourne produced a wind gust to 110 kph and rainfall of 44 mm in only 30 minutes! Storms on Thursday have shifted eastward. Heavy rainfall rates will lead to localized flooding with recent burn areas particularly vulnerable. The ground there is baked and bare, reducing the absorption of excess water and enhancing the flooding and landslide risk. But the rainfall is also helping firefighters control and even eliminate some of the wildfires. More than three dozen were doused in the past few days due to the rain. The rain and shifting winds will also help clear smoke and dust out of the air, improving air quality conditions that had become life-threatening in the major population centers of the southeast.