Flooding Rains Cripple Weds AM Commute in Sydney!


One of the strongest storms in months has racked much of eastern New South Wales with heavy rains and high winds. A deep tap of moisture has combined with upper level energy to produce numerous severe storms. Sydney saw torrential rainfall just in time for the Wednesday morning commute. Seventy-three millimeters of rain fell in an hour between 6-7 AM, flooding streets and shutting down commuter trains. Local police responded to nearly 1,000 weather-related calls with 15 water rescues needed. Sydney Airport was down to one runway for much of the day, leading to nearly 100 cancelled flights. Delays and cancellations are also being reported with flights out of Canberra, Melbourne, and Brisbane.



Severe storms have also caused wind damage from central and northeast New South Wales. Maitland Airport reported a gust to 95 kph as storms rolled through mid-morning. The threat for organized severe storms is waning. However, moderate to locally heavy rains continue around Sydney and Newcastle. High water and urban flooding will still be a threat for the evening commute. Onshore winds are also picking up – a gust to 80 kph was recently reported at Sydney Airport, and 96 kph at Wattamolla. These winds combined with rain-loosened soils could boost the risk for trees and powerlines coming down this evening.