Australian Weekly Weather Recap (4th August)

What happened with the weather this week across Australia?

Recap Video:


A cold front moved over south west Western Australia which is not very unusual. However with the cold front was a tornado which was reported to have caused damage to Perth’s north. Tornados also are not uncommon along cold fronts, it’s just unlucky this one went through a populated area downing trees and causing some damage to buildings.

Also on Monday on the other side of the country, Sydney just missed out on being hit by thunderstorms which flared up just offshore.


Melburnians woke to a blanket of thick fog on Wednesday making the morning commute difficult as visibility was down to 200m in places. However some were able to take in the ‘view’ of Melbourne from the Dandenong Ranges which proved to be spectacular.

The view from our office was not as spectacular.


The winter is finally bringing us some decent snowfall with the ski fields getting very excited.

Weekend forecast:

The ski fields will get a dumping of snow over the weekend! 100+cm is forecast.


However blizzard conditions will be a deterrent for visitors as wind very strong gusts will peak Saturday night.