Snow Seekers Flock to Bluff Knoll, WA for Round 2 of Snow

Over the weekend, Bluff Knoll in southern WA received a significant snowfall for the first time in years. Wednesday could bring more, and everybody is getting excited about it!

Over the Weekend

Snow greeted Bluff Knoll hikers over the weekend, with some people seeing their first ever snow.

Others joined the fun by making snowmen and snowballs.


Snow: Round 2

Get ready for Wednesday as another system swings through the area. Snow levels are expected to drop as low as 800m. Bluff Knoll sits at almost 1100m, so the flakes should be flying! Watch for snow to start around midday Wednesday and continue into the evening hours. 5-10 cm of snow is looking likely through this time period. So, if you missed the first snow, pack it up and catch round 2!


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