A Few Severe Storms Likely for the Interior Northeast : Friday, June 30th

Residents of the interior Northeast west of the Urban Corridor will see some scattered storms later this afternoon. A few severe storms are likely, accompanied by gusty winds, briefly heavy rainfall, and hail.

An upper level system and associated surface front will move steadily eastward through tonight. A few non-severe showers and storms are occurring this morning in western New York. Instability will be modest ahead of the system. However, enough daytime heating should occur to produce some storms by mid-afternoon.



The best chance for severe storms will be from central and northeast Pennsylvania into New York and interior New England. Gusty winds to 65 mph and hail to 1″ in diameter will occur with the hotter cells. Storms will develop around 2 pm ET and weaken by 11 pm through southern New England.

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